Cotton Handspun - , is the Javanese traditional pattern (polos) and the modern design. We are using the plain warp and weave

techniques to make the dominant colour that would appear

as if the patterns were collided. Under this weave structure we are also used the heedle size's 28 and 100% cotton handspun 100% handwoven.

therefore the essential technique is only used for the warp. In every warp structure

the pattern arrangement is structured with plain white weft  - white warps that is made of cotton yarn as well as black handspun plain weft for the whole fabric

Cotton Handspun

Rp 210.000

Cotton Handspun - , is the Javanese traditional pattern (polos) and the modern design. We are using the plain warp and weave

techniques to make the dominant colour that would appear

as if the patterns were collided. Under this weave structure we are also used the heedle size's 28 and 100% cotton handspun 100% handwoven.

therefore the essential technique is only used for the warp. In every warp structure

the pattern arrangement is structured with plain white weft  - white warps that is made of cotton yarn as well as black handspun plain weft for the whole fabric

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Kode Produk: Stok Tersedia - 14-10-2022